Call for Papers


Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues


Monika Büscher

  • Lancaster University
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Katrina Petersen

  • Lancaster University
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This track invites contributions that enhance understanding of Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) around information and communication technology in crisis response and management. The aim is to inform careful innovation and to do so, we are looking for papers that explore ELSI at the juncture of policy, technology, and communities or where social and organizational practices meet.

The number and range of technologies seen as critical to crisis management is growing. These include smart city technology, command and control systems, risk analysis and decision support, geo-spatial information and GIS, mesh networking, cloud computing, mobile and wearable devices, sensors, drones, robots, social media, modelling, simulation, visual and big data analytics. Their use shapes our understanding of the emergency, and they can enable more informed, agile and coordinated emergency management. But these emergent technologies can also introduce new uncertainties, such as technological failure, disruptive transformations of practice and far-reaching societal implications. The ‘informationalization’ of emergency services that arises with the interaction with these technologies poses a plethora of ethical, legal and social challenges and opportunities. We list some core topics below and invite practitioner reports, academic papers and demonstrations of technologies.


  • Ethics,
  • law,
  • social practices,
  • values,
  • IT-ethics,
  • data protection,
  • privacy,
  • exception,
  • virtue,
  • trust,
  • informational self-determination,
  • technology,
  • policy


  • Digital divides, access, and exclusions: citizens, non-citizens, communities, responders
  • Data protection, transformations of privacy, privacy preserving technologies
  • Cultural and social aspects of information practices and information sharing
  • Societal issues such as trust, transparency, surveillance, militarization of everyday life, culture of fear, and opportunities (e.g. drones for good)

Important Dates for ISCRAM 2016 Authors

20 Nov 2015 Long Papers, panels and workshops due
15 Jan 2016 Long Papers & Panel Proposals Acceptance notification
29 Jan 2016 Short Papers, posters, demonstrations, doctoral consortium
15 Feb 2016 Short Papers, posters, demonstrations, doctoral consortium Acceptance Notification
Camera-ready copies of Long Papers
26 Feb 2016 Camera-ready Short Papers deadline

To submit a paper

  • Authors must submit papers electronically through the conference system.
  • All papers must use the ISCRAM paper template and follow the ISCRAM house style. The template is available on the Conference homepage.
  • Papers may be submitted to either a Track or the Emergent Theme Open Track. Read through the calls of the individual tracks and select the track that is closest to the topic of your paper. If none match closely enough, submit to the Emergent Theme Track and your paper will be grouped by keyword with relevant reviewers.

Submission of the camera-ready version on Feb 26 is a commitment to sending at least one author per paper to the conference. If authors are on multiple papers, the number of registrations in total must meet or exceed the number of papers per collective author group.