
Registration is now open. Access the registration site to process your registration and reserve your hotel.

There are several types of registration. There is a substantial discount to members of ISCRAM. The difference in price compensates the first year of membership in all categories of registration. To become a member of ISCRAM access

There is also a discount if you register early. The early registration deadline is March 14th. If you miss this date you will be paying regular prices to register, until the next deadline that is April 29th. After that deadline you can only register on site with an additional amount. Note that all authors should register by March 14th in order to guarantee their paper will be included in the Proceedings and in the Program of the Conference.

Due to the outbreak of Zika Virus in Brazil, it is also possible to participate remotely in the Conference. There are reduced rates for authors and very reduced rates for remote attendees in general, including other authors of the paper, when the presenter pays the full rate (presential or remote).


The complete table of rates will be available here soon. In the meantime, you can access the registration site to obtain the rates. Remember that a ISCRAM member pays less than non-members. The total (registration plus membership) is lower than paying non-member registration in all categories of registration.