Tutorials at ISCRAM 2016 are intended to provide a high quality learning experience to conference attendees on current and emergent topics related to Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. It is expected that tutorials will address an audience with a varied range of interests and background: beginners, developers, designers, researchers, practitioners, users, lecturers and representatives of governments and industry. We encourage submissions of tutorial proposals on all topics in the general areas of ISCRAM 2016 and tutorials bridging these areas, or introducing new perspectives in those areas
A tutorial proposal must include:
A concise title.
The names, affiliations and brief bio of the organizers. Name one organizer as the primary contact.
Proposed duration of the tutorial – half or full day (different sessions could be considered, if applicable, but should include a justification that a high-quality learning experience will be achieved in the chosen time period).
Topic and description – a description of the tutorial topic, its scope and the depth to which it will go in that scope.
Audience – a description of the intended audience.
Prerequisite – desirable background knowledge of the audience.
Relevance – why the tutorial is important, why it is timely, why it is relevant to ISCRAM and how the presenters are qualified and experienced to deliver a high-quality tutorial.
Previous editions - if the tutorial was conducted before, where and when was it conducted? Please give details on number of attendees, and how the proposed tutorial differs or builds on the previous ones.
Additional equipment required (if any) – the standard equipment includes an LCD projector, a projection screen and microphones.
Tutorial proposals, written in English, should be no more than four pages in length (single column, 11pt with reasonable margins) and must be in PDF or RTF formats.
Submitted tutorials will undergo a selection process based on relevance, clarity and appropriateness of the topics, and expertise of the authors.